Tuesday, October 28, 2008

it's raya time again!!!

i've finished my "puasa enam" today. the last (6th) day today on the 2nd last day of syawal. so, unlike last year, my so-called "raya enam" will be celebrated in syawal tomorrow. on its last day. if it's gonna be 29 days of it this year. at the office...sob...sob...sob...

envelope of the (very recent) past

i'd appreciate it very much if u could pronounce "envelope" correctly...

Monday, October 27, 2008

out of this blog

As promised, photos of aqiqah (or the lack of those):

Izzah's Aqiqah from

Do you snore while sleeping?

Snoring from

my daughter & her baby sister

this time u don't have to tilt your head anymore...

etc, etc, me & my baby

ramadhan came & went away.  eidul fitr came & went away.  "bercukur" (shaving) came & went away.  aqiqah came and went away.  the weekend before aqiqah, for the first time in my life, i had the chance to practise my skill on using a jumper cable from my waja's battery to my wife's city's one, courtesy of my wife's brother who completely drained the battery out.  thanks to the honda service personnel who's willing to entertain my call late at night & helped me on the line, i had to disarm the sophisticated alarm & managed to bring the car back home, of course driven by my bro-in-law.  [2 days later the car wouldn't start & but that honda service personnel came on site & solved the problem & reactivated the alarm at no cost at all]!!!

here are me & my baby:

sorry for making you tilt your head...

the mom's photos will follow later once she's out of confinement with lipstick, etc...

aqiqah photos (or the lack of those) will be up online later today...or tomorrow...if i have the time...if i'm not lazy...

am i eligible to be part of ganu blogger?  maybe not.  coz mine is rather personal.  i guess it should not belong to any state or border...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

out of it to q

well, it's official & it's been 3 weeks already. me out of it to q. this week is actually the 4th week but it's raya holiday week for me! no more company handphone (line) for me. my internet access right was cut down initially but i re-requested for a new one a few days after that. my task during the last fasting month was just to read & read & read iso documents/procedures... (yawn) and no coffee was allowed (yawn). many people still called & consulted me for IT-related matters, issues & problems. i also had to update some audit findings & do some work related to audits. that's all there is.