Saturday, April 22, 2017

Gray matter

Another grey single thread of hair found.  This third time was in the goatie, if not beard.  The first one was in that private & exclusive members only area.  The second one was in the nostril.  The telltale sign of old age.

Monday, April 03, 2017


Another late and a little bit dull SPM-related story. When I was in Form 2 or 3 during "Seni Perusahaan" class, while the teacher was busy writing the quiz questions on the blackboard, I was also busy looking for a few of the answers from the neighboring friends. Unfortunately, the teacher caught me doing so, i.e. cheating, but luckily for me, other than being shouted at, I was not further punished or penalized.
While taking my SPM results at school, that same teacher was also there in the hotter-than-usual room or class where the SPM results slips were being handed over to us and when he saw me, spontaneously he uttered to me that those who cheated would not be given their slips. Regardless, he or another teacher did pass me my slip.
Dear Cikgu Rahmat Omar, as far as I could recall, I did not cheat at all during my SPM exam... 😬