Monday, October 29, 2007

Leaders & responsibilities & accountabilities

Read it here (in Bahasa Melayu or Malaysia or whatever)

updated link

and in case updated link won't work as well, here's the full article (copyright

Antara imam 5 minit dan imam 5 tahun
Fri | Oct 26, 07 | 4:13:55 pm MYT

Umar Abdul Aziz (daripada Dinasti Umaiyah) yang kerap dianggap Khalifah Al-Rasyidin ke-5 (selepas Khalifah Abu Bakar, Umar, Othman dan Ali), memerintah dua tahun enam bulan saja (99-101 Hijrah).

Menurut buku Sejarah, ketika pemerintahannya tiada orang layak menerima zakat. Ini menunjukkan negara penuh barakah. Demikian begitu berkesan dan adilnya beliau mentadbir negara.

Tetapi selepas kematiannya, ada ulama besar bermimpi bertemu Umar Abdul Aziz dalam kepayahan yang amat sangat. Berpeluh-peluh dirinya. Lencun pakaiannya.

Dalam mimpinya itu, ulama berkenaan bertanya mengapa Umar berkenaan begitu. Umar menjawab dia sedang dihisab mengenai pemerintahannya. Katanya, tempoh dia memerintah singkat saja (dua tahun enam bulan) tetapi sudah dihisab 12 tahun lamanya. Itulah yang menyebabkan dia bermandi keringat.

Demikian kisah ini dibawakan oleh Tuan Guru dalam kuliah mingguannya di sebuah masjid di selatan tanah air baru-baru ini. Saya yang mendengar kuliah itu membuka telinga besar-besar apabila Tuan Guru menyatakan kehairanan mengapa ramai orang berebut-rebut menjadi pemimpin sedangkan pemimpinlah yang paling berat disoal di akhirat kelak.

Katanya, Khalifah Al-Rasyidin sungguh takut memegang jawatan itu. Tetapi disebabkan amanah daripada umat Islam, mereka menerimanya. Kata Tuan Guru, Umar Al-Khattab menjadi gementar dan takut jika ada keldai mati tidak terurus di tebing Sungai Furat di Iraq kerana sebagai pemerintah, perkara sekecil itu pun akan diletakkan di pundaknya. Sekali pun keldai itu di Iraq yang ribuan kilometer dari Madinah, Umar menjadi begitu bimbang.

Pemimpin beramanah menangis ketakutan apabila dipikulkan jawatan ke pundaknya. Pemimpin hari ini pula ketawa berdekah-dekah dan mengadakan jamuan dan pesta sempena kemenangannya menjadi wakil rakyat, ahli Parlimen dan menteri. Terbayanglah impian menjadi kenyataan untuk memiliki kuasa besar, pangkat besar, gelaran besar, rumah besar (mahligai) dan kereta besar tetapi isteri tetap mahu yang comel!

Tuan Guru berkata, semua golongan daif seperti anak yatim, ibu tunggal, orang miskin dan orang berhutang menjadi kewajipan pemimpin dan kerajaan untuk menanganinya. Berat, sungguh berat, kata Tuan Guru. Di akhirat kekal, golongan ini akan memegang pemimpin. Tiada peluang pemimpin hendak melarikan diri.

Pemimpin dan kerajaan bertanggungjawab ke atas rakyatnya. Pemerintah bukan boleh buat sesuka hati ke atas dana rakyat. Itu wang rakyat, bukan mereka punya harta. Setiap apa yang dikutip daripada rakyat (misalnya zakat) perlu diagihkan kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya. Jika mereka tidak menerimanya, mereka akan tuntut di akhirat kelak. Masa itu hendak dibayar dengan apa, sebab dinar, dolar dan ringgit tidak ada lagi!

Dua tahun enam bulan saja Umar Abdul Aziz jadi pemerintah, begitu teruk dia melalui pemeriksaan. Berdasarkan ini, wahai pemimpin, Muslimin dan Muslimat (termasuk diri saya sendiri), bayangkanlah kepayahan yang akan kita hadapi nanti. Bagaimana kita mahu menjawab dakwaan orang-orang teraniaya.

Bagaimana pemimpin mahu menjawab dakwaan Si Melan yang kisahnya disiarkan dalam rancangan Bersamamu. Bagaimana pemimpin mahu menjawab dakwaan Si Samad yang disumbat dalam Kem Kamunting kerana kes ISA. Bagaimana pemimpin mahu menjawab derita Si Ani, anak Si Samad yang beraya tanpa bapa di sisi buat sekian kalinya?

Bagaimana pemimpin mahu menjawab dakwaan Nurin, Nurulhuda dan ramai lagi bahawa pembunuh berlegar-legar kerana hukum Islam tidak terlaksana?

Bagaimanapun, pemimpin tidak berada di puncak kuasa tanpa campur tangan rakyat. Ini zaman moden, bukan zaman feudal di mana seseorang menjadi pemimpin dengan kekuatan pedangnya. Pada zaman ini orang mengundi untuk memilih pemimpin.

Dalam bab memilih pemimpin ini, saya tertarik dengan pandangan Pesuruhjaya PAS Melaka, Ustaz Abdul Ghani Abdul Rahman. Katanya memilih pemimpin adalah seperti memilih imam sembahyang. Masa imam sembahyang 5 minit saja (satu waktu) manakala imam negara (pemimpin) 5 tahun.

Dalam salah satu ceramahnya, Ustaz Abdul Ghani berkata: “Kalau pilih imam solat, wah, kita cari orang yang betul-betul baik. Orang yang betul-betul kita yakini. Kita tak pilih orang kaki judi. Kita tidak pilih kaki botol.

“Bagaimanapun apabila lantik pemimpin, ini imam juga, kita pilih yang tak baik. Kita pilih yang rasuah. Kita pilih yang tak amanah. Imam sembayang lima minit aja, tapi kita nak yang terbaik, tapi imam di luar sana, masanya panjang, mungkin lima tahun (satu penggal pilihan raya), takkan kita nak serahkan nasib kita pada pemimpin jenis ini. Hah, nanti di akhirat nanti ikutlah pemimpin jenis ini.”

Betul juga, kalau pemimpin tidak menunjukkan contoh baik, bagaimana dapat dilahirkan masyarakat yang baik.

Jika imam masjid saja dipilih di kalangan ‘orang baik-baik’ sedangkan di luar sana penyamun dan perasuah dijadikan pemimpin, maka akan lahirkan umat yang baik semasa di masjid (atau ketika solat saja), tapi apabila keluar daripada lingkungan itu, mereka tidak lagi kenal batas dosa atau pahala.

Dikhuatiri itulah masyarakat yang kita lahirkan hari ini, buktinya anak-anak semakin kurang ajar, rasuah dan maksiat bermaharajalela manakala kebajikan tidak dipandang sebelah mata.

© 2006 HarakahDaily.Net

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Boasting my Radiohead collection

In conjunction with the online release/download of the latest Radiohead 10-track record, In Rainbows, on Oct 10, I'd like to show off my Radiohead stuff collection, HERE.

Can't wait for the discbox in December...

Anyway, to those who have already downloaded the record, happy listening!


updates: the above link still works at the moment but In Rainbows Discbox is no longer on sale there or here at w.a.s.t.e.. but hopefully u can find the normal CD/vinyl release at your nearer, obscure record store. it's gonna be hard in malaysia though...sorry...but what is the internet for?

Sunday, October 07, 2007


salam ramadhan to all muslims. may not our fasting be just another month of plain hunger & thirst. may we be able to feel, experience & obtain the night of al-Qadr.

salam syawal the 1st to all muslims. maaf zahir batin. my apologies for my misbehaviors. may our "back to nature (fitr)" be really worth the efforts & deeds done during ramadhan.

islam is peace.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

hantu Maggi® SESMA

can it harm u? dunno. but maggi wont harm u, though the means of getting it might... :)





squirrel, squirrel on the balcony

who's the most beautiful woman in the world?



pancit iii

once we realized that the tyre was causing the noise, we pulled over to the road side, checked that indeed the tyre had ruptured, called Optimus Prime, sorry MTD Prime, waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and started to change the tyre myself, halfway though, Optimus Prime arrived, sorry MTD Prime, helped, changed to the spare temp tyre, we thanked them, we went away, exit LPT, to Karak town way, to the nearest tyre workshop, changed all 4 tyres there, fixed other things as well (as expected when u send your car to any workshop), paid a handsome amount of money, courtesy of my bank, via that intermediary plastic piece, went to the original intended destination...very late. tammat.




it's someone else's bday! my wife, lifepartner, friend, spouse, accountant, mother of my daughter, financial controller, et cetera

celebrated on the bed

happy belated bday from this humble blogger

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

radiohead (is) in rainbows

updates: the above link still works at the moment but In Rainbows Discbox is no longer on sale there or at but hopefully u can find the normal CD/vinyl release at your nearer, obscure record store. it's gonna be hard in malaysia though...sorry...but what is the internet for?

"bad" so

yooha? some(divine)body loves it more than we do.

analog photo of d'yesteryears

in the jungle[zoo]
the mighty[hardlylively] jungle[zoo]
the lion sleeps tonight[todayinbroaddaylight]

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

good news


syukur Alhamdulillah...

tayar pecah/pancit [ruptured/punctured tyre]

One fine early August morning, we (me, me wife & me daughter) were going to Genting Highlands. Departed at 8 am from Felda Rasau and [ambitiously] targeted to arrive there by 11 am. Got a meeting there, being 1 of the 3 non-golfers handling our company's annual customers golf event, with the other dominant [read: majority] golfer committee members & Awana Genting reps. I was constantly driving at 170-180 kmph once I hit the East Coast Expressway (LPT) at around 9 am.

Roughly halfway thru, I started to "hear" [feel is more like it] the call of nature but only heeded and hailed it at Hentian Lanchang. Resting there for 5 mins or so, I made a move. The car was just about to pick up on the speed, at around 100 kmph, when suddenly my wife and I heard a strange abnormal sound. Initially, we thought the sound was caused by the frictions between the tyre and the uneven road. (We all should've heard by now about the reputation of LPT). to be continued...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Less words, more photos


More coverage on those later...

Don't click here but ..

Don't click here up there but the . up there.

Just click the dot (.) after here up there, dammit!!!

I'm just as Confucius as you are (or not?).

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


It shows so on MyKad

kk xiii

(not) all the creatures at gayang: part fauna: part 2

kk xii

sorry, strawberry not available least at that particular time

kk xi

is that mt kinabalu as viewed from timpohon gate? heck if i know! have i said that b4?

kk x

all the creatures in mt kinabalu botanical garden, kinabalu park: part fauna

kk 9

all the creatures in mt kinabalu botanical garden, kinabalu park: part flora

kk 8

climbing up mt kinabalu (by car). is that it in the foggy background? heck if i know!

kk 7

at ums before going to "climb" mt kinabalu

Monday, August 06, 2007

kk 6...

...(after a few days of hiatus.)

sunset at sutera harbour; makes me wonder why i have never seen one single sunrise after being in trg for so many years...with the same kind of appreciation. got it on vid too & it's so damn marvellous!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

kk 2

in kk, my daughter got red eye problem, conjunctivitis as it is called by doctors. she went to a clinic there. thanks to ing, now the insured can go to (most] any clinic.

kk 1

last week, my family & i went to kk, sabah. our 1st time there. for 3 days & 2 nights only. no money to stay longer. thanks to airasia. now everyone can fly (except the disabled...sori airasia, just quoting from somewhere)

accident part 2

saw an accident at bukit bauk

a few days ago

photo will be uploaded later

here promised

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


i'm salivating for the latest o2 xda atom life running on the newest windows mobile 6...

if silence is golden, then patience is ???

be patient

be patient

be patient


Saturday, June 09, 2007

no fuel part III

no fuel part II

no fuel part I

for the first time ever in my whole life, my car ran totally out of fuel!!! i was driving and suddenly i felt the accelerator lost its power despite the fact that my foot had been pressing very hard on its pedal. actually, the low fuel warning light had been lighting up for the past few days but i took no action because i believed that the fuel reserve should be enough before the next fuel fill. luckily, i still had time to pull the car over to the right side of the road. the engine died and wouldn't start. and thank god there were no oncoming vehicles from the front at the moment. else, the car would have stopped in the middle of the busy road. my wife, daughter & i went to a restaurant behind us and requested for help from the owner. the kind guy offered to help me to buy the fuel from the nearest petrol station. so, i gave him some money for that purpose. luckily, he had a leftover empty car engine oil container to bring to the petrol station. my family & i were waiting at his restaurant. we wanted to order some drink but none was being served yet at that moment because the restaurant wasn't officially opened for business yet. after a while, the owner came back and using a make-shift funnel, which was ready-made previously by the owner, i think, from a used mineral water plastic bottle, we carefully poured the petrol fuel into the fuel tank opening. once done, i started the car engine and voila, it's on! i gave some small amount of token money to the kind guy as a gratitude. initially he refused but after i really insisted, he took it. so, after repeatedly thanking him, my family & i drove off to the nearest fuel station and topped up the remaining fuel for the car. in the end, we continued our journey to our intended destination.

some photos as visual complements:

Sunday, April 29, 2007

unreazonable rat(e)s for the workin klass

last weekend, my family & i went to terengganu heritage bay club (kelab teluk warisan trg in bahasa melayu) for sight-seeing. over there, we just took photos plus some vids for remembrance. of course, the place looked so damn exclusive for the record. curious, we went ahead asking its staff about the rates for a night. first, the cheapest was 1k++ for starters. then, the not cheapest nor most expensive could be had for close to 2k. lastly, the most money sucking madness was at 2888 for the filthy rich. fyi, the room types are named after trees for example cemara i believe. "gladly", i was told that now was the promotion period of 380 the cheapest until june for all. well, the club is just not for me...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

tortoise's difficult choices

this morning, i found a tortoise in the backyard of my house. not sure where it came from. either it crawled by itself into my house compound from the front gates or someone simply put it there. i was told that it was there since yesterday.

looks like the tortoise is now stuck there. what should i do now? keep it as a pet or let it out/go? poor shy tortoise...

i even checked out the net on its diet just in case it becomes my pet. well, looks like it can just survive on wild grass plus other green leaves. but the net also talks about keeping a balanced and proper diet for tortoises. how can i expect me to do that when in reality i don't even know how to take care of my own self?

latest update, the tortoise was missing from my backyard already... :( .....................................................................................................
................................................................................ :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

when i grow up, i want to be...

a scientist, an it professional, a government servant, a lecturer, ...

what other choices do i have? do i have any?

these words of mathematical wisdom are from a t-shirt(?):

i am nobody.
nobody is perfect.
i am perfect.