forgive my bad handwriting.
it gets worse with my rising temper.
i still remember first knowing that pirus was a color. now, i cannot find any text that refers to pirus as a color. i don't even remember in what language pirus is as a color. nevertheless, i'll still remember pirus as a color. (would like to credit the drawing to my 7-year old daughter in 2007, using microsoft paint). (update: pirus is the color of turquoise in indonesian; greenish blue or bluish green; in persian, it's fairuz).
berjaga jaga dengan dakyah puteri nafisah..
dia semakin tertekan sekarang akibat perginya abuya kesayanganya
Pabila kamu semakin menekan dengan persoalan yang tidak dapat di jawabnya..maka si puteri itu pasti tidak akan mempamerkan komen kamu. Itulah dia puteri nafisah anak didik abuya,kononnya nabi...masya allah..
i'd blow off my steam too if i was u!
the hq did call me and offered me a free drink at any of their branch but i refused. i just told them to improve their customer service.
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